Custom Made Shoe Bags

Have you ever wanted a shoe bag that's more interesting that the piece of shabby cloth your dance shoes came in?  So did I, which is how I found out that they're not very easy to come by.Fortunately, I don't let a little thing like availability stop me - I own a sewing machine and I'm not afraid to use it.

Your own custom made shoe bag will cost you from as little as £12 to £25.

Most of my current stock consists of Cuban and Puerto Rican Flag bags which cost £20. Lesley - front woman of the salsa band Mambo con Rumbo is a big fan of these ones:

I love to make shoe bags to order - your imagination is the only limit. Unless your imagination is really wild, in which case my sewing skills might be the limit...

Natalie, from my local salsa scene decided that she wanted a Brazilian Flag bag - so I made her one for £20:

Adam from White Rose Tango wanted something that fit with his branding so I came up with these for £20 each:

Andrea wanted a bag with shoes on it, so as soon as I found this fabric, I got straight to work.  This one's £12:

Andy wanted a shoe bag to match the branding of his Lindy Hop classes to give to a friend.  This one was £15 and he planned to get the logo on the flyer (in the middle of the picture) printed onto it:

Sometimes I like to indulge myself... so my tango shoe bag looks just like the Argentina Flag (£20 if you want one of these):

When I get an idea in my head, I have to make it.  This one came about after watching an episode of Doctor Who (it's gingham on the inside!), and I would make another one for £25 (you'll have to get the matching shoes yourself!):

Want one? Contact me and I'll make it happen :o)

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